The Practitioner
Different therapies have always been my main centre of interest.
After a Sociology Degree and Psychoanalyst training, I ended up choosing a manual form of medicine.
A Physiotherapy diploma led on to Osteopathy, which I studied in two different schools.
The ATMAN school in Nice for classical osteopathy.
The SFERE (Société Française d’Etudes et de Recherche en Energétique) for Energetic Osteopathy, acupuncture and homeopathy.
These two schools provided me with the basic knowledge needed to develop my work.
The NAET method (Nambudripad’s Allergies Elimination Techniques) completes and refines the treatments which I offer to my patients.
The NAET method enables us to find and treat all allergies and the diverse problems which result from allergies, particularly back pains.
I have been a member of the ROF (Registre des Osteopathes de France) since 1985, when I started to practice osteopathy.